Teaching world history: from StudentsFriend.com

Music Lessons

from teacher Joel Allen

"I am always looking for ways to help students remember history, and I found a fun video that may be of interest to you. We just covered the French Revolution" click here

(This video is by a teacher who calls herself Lady Gaga. She has also made  historical videos about Napoleon, Catherine the Great, and others, but the French Revolution might be her best.)

"I thought I would also share a project I just had my World History classes do. I think it turned out pretty dang good.

I bought Karaoke songs from iTunes, and then the kids rewrote lyrics with topics and info from Student's Friend. After they rewrote songs, they sang and recorded their songs using a free audio editing program from the internet (Audacity).

It acted as a good review, and the kids thoroughly enjoyed the project, especially today when we listened to each others' songs. This project definitely needs some fine tuning, but overall I am very happy with the end results."

Instructions and grading rubric:

pdf file, or MS Word file

Sample of a student musical project about British Admiral Horatio Nelson sung to the tune of "One-eyed, One-horned, Flying Purple People Eater." m4a file

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